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Thank you to our organizational sponsors, donors and friends!

Henry S. Jacobs Camp (Utica, MS)

Temple Beth El (Pensacola, FL)                                              
Temple Emanu-El (Birmingham, AL)                                   
Goldring-Woldenberg JCC-Metairie (New Orleans, LA)    
Congregation Bnai Israel (Little Rock, AR)                      
Congregation Share Emeth (St. Louis, MO)
Temple Emanuel (Dothan, AL)
Temple Beth Or (Montgomery, AL)
Beth Israel Congregation (Jackson, MS)
Temple Israel (Memphis, TN)
Congregation Beth Israel (Scottsdale, AZ)

Tribe of Judah Gospel Choir (Montgomery, AL)

National Civil Rights Museum (Memphis, TN)

Blumberg Family Jewish Community Services

     of Dothan, AL

Road To Eden is supporting this incredible non-profit inner city music program in connection with our upcoming screening at the Detroit

Jewish Film Festival.  Crescendo needs IPads, musical instruments, and money.  Visit to donate or contact ( for more information!

Thank you to our Individual donors!

Aaron Shocket
A B Dattner
Adam Bellows
Adam Kahan
Adrian Durlester
Alicia Anderson
Alison & Adrian Betts
Alison & Michael Feinberg
Amy Bellin
Amy Lieber
Andi Malinger
Andrew Dennen
Andrew Shaw
Angela Gold
Art Donsky
Audrey Katz
Barbara & James Gurovitsch
Barbara Mark Dreyfuss
Barbara Meltzer
Barbara Rose
Barbara Stambler
Barry Singer
Betsy Cohen
Blakely Lord
Bobby & Arnold Kaplan
Bryan and Michelle Kort
Caryn Roman
Cheryl Wunch
Chuck Mitchell
Celia Rumann
Corey Dicker
Craig Beilinson
Dale Abraham
Dan Nichols
Daniel Brenner
Daniel Gropper
Daniel Rosen
Danielle Rodnizki
Darcy Luer
Darren Kleinberg
David Henig
David Levin
David Levine
Dawn Bernstein
Deb Rogers
Debbie Anderson
Debra Grant
Debra Winter
Diana Lang
Diane Henson
Donna Elm
Donna Spencer
Douglas Pell
Dreskin Family
Ellen & Allan Gittleman
Elizabeth Feldman
Erin Boxt
Eugene Friedman
Fran and Larry Frazin
Fran Moss
Frank & Hana Lange
Grace Upshaw
Greg Kellner
Ira Levin
Ira Miller
Irving & Karen Katz
Jamie Neidorf
Jamie and Steve Brooks
Jan Kullberg
Janet Byerlein
Janie Grackin
Jay Rapoport
Jay D. Stein
Jeff and Briana Pavey
Jeff Cohen
Jeff Snavely
Jen & Steven Schwarz
Jennifer & John Rawicz
Jennifer Gubitz
Jeremy Klotz
Jerry and Linda Mittelman
Joan Baratz
John M Kaplan
Jon Sands
Jonathan Cohen
Jonathan McMurry
Judi & Stuart Passon
Jules Frankel
Julie Warwick
Karen and Mike Lucero
Kate Milliken Vaughey
Laura Boudreau
Laura Harari
Linda Brenner
Lisa & Abbey Lewis
Lisa Ann Green
Lisa Sacks
Lisa Schahet
Louise Taubman
Lynne Goldsmith
Lynn Seitzman
Madeline Jacobs
Marc Lerner
Mary & Sam Chenaur
Matan Koch
Meesh Hayes
Meilani Weiss
Merri Robinson
Michael Mellen
Micah Greenstein
Michelle Boessler
Michelle Sandberg
Michelle and Steven Passon
Mimi and Danny Karon
Monica Braverman
Monica Tercero
Nancy Stutman
Naomi & David Goodell
Neil Weinstein
Noah Aronson
Nora Steele
Patricia Gitre
Patrice Levar
Paula Gil
Penelope Price
Peter Allard
Philip Seplow
Rachel Mylan
Ralph Magrish & Kim Mounts
Rebecca Kovan
Rebecca Schwartz
Rebecca Young
Reid Myers
Reines Family
Richard Keitel
Richard D. Mukamal
Rick Lupert
Rita Clark
Robert Burke
Robert Emerman
Robert Segelbaum
Rochelle Potak
Roger Friedensen
Rosalie Boxt
Ross Wolman
Ron Klotz
Sandra Harris
Sara Kheel
Sharol Brickman
Sharon Bidwell
Shelly Reiss
Stacey Robinson
Stacie Passon
Stephanie Crawley
Stephanie Weishaar
Steve & Ariel Derringer
Steven & Danielle Stewart
Sylvia Lezak
Theron Hall
Tim and Keri Eckstein
Todd Herzog
Virginie & Jeremy Polster
Veronica and Eddie Lange
Vicki & Howard Cabot
Vicki Spira
Wendy Goldberg
William Kirchner
Zachary Shapiro
Zemel Family Trust
Zoe Jacobs


                                                   Copyright 2012,  Join the journey!

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